新增邱吉尔历史数据库(Churchill Archive)-试用

  • 2017-03-02
  • RulingDigital
新增试用数据库:新增邱吉尔历史数据库(Churchill Archive),欢迎参考使用。 邱吉尔历史数据库(Churchill Archive)-试用 【中文简介】 邱吉尔历史数据库提供教学与研究的宝贵历史资料,收录超过80万页的原始文件,资料时间为1874年~1965年,包括19与20世纪邱吉尔的个人信件及与各国家总统总理之间的交流纪录史料,提供广泛的主题研究,如妇女与社会变革、帝国主义,以结构的方式向学生介绍历史文件并探索其学习研究主题的相关性,突显少量的文件以建议可再进行独立研究的有用史料。 【英文简介】 The Churchill Archive is designed to support teaching, study and research, providing an invaluable resource for a wide range of courses. It includes more than 800,000 pages of original documents, produced between 1874 and 1965. Documents range from Churchill’s personal correspondence to exchanges between the great leaders of the 19th and 20th centuries. Provide an overview of broader areas of research and study and are based around key teaching topics such as Women and Social Change and Empire and Imperialism. Provide a structured way to introduce students to primary source material and explore its relevance to their study and research topics. Highlight a small number of documents from the Archive and suggest useful parts to explore further as part of independent research